Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day 13: 12-11-08

I'm having issues with the getting up on time challenge. I want to do it, but I can't ever seem to. It's horrible. No matter when I set my alarm, I always seem to get up almost exactly an hour later, as if my brain refuses to follow guidelines. My brain is a rebellious teenager.

But I'm doing better with the shopping bags. When I ran out of space at the grocery store, I remembered to ask for paper instead of plastic-- but I did forget to tell the guy at the petstore that I didn't need a bag. Oh well. Small victories.

And I managed to get my editing done on time-- even a little early. Closer to the goal of getting things done before deadline than ever before!

And I'm devoting a chunk of today to getting stories typed and finding homes for them before the two-week notice runs out, and I've been doing better at getting them actually done rather than stopping and never getting back to them.

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