Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 73: Feb 10 2009

In an effort to Be A Better Pagan, I've been reading these direct-to-email articles and signed up for a beginner's Wicca class (also to email) to remind myself how it all started and hopefully why I started. I've been feeling so dried up and nonspiritual lately-- life is too rough sometimes, has been the excuse, and I think that's a lame excuse.

In other news:
Days off are going to be crafting days, and I'm going to refill the Store before the end of the month if I can. I need the extra money, adn there's plenty I can do with what I already have.

I need to start saving money again, but I'm doing better at not spending needlessly and I ran all the numbers last night so I know what I need to pay for and what that means for my money sitch. I'm still very very low, but I should know in a few days whether I can afford to go to ICFA, and that determines how much money I have for the spring-- if I don't get my refund, the other 300 will be split in half, keeping half in savings and using the other half for needful things like good food.

The Garden is coming along nicely. Today I find things to start cukes and squash in to put out in a few weeks when it's warmer.

I've only slipped up a few times in the Year of Eating Seasonally, and it's usually when I'm not in control of the food I get-- like when someone brings me something and I'm starving. 

So far, so good on the plastic bag front.

I'm working agian!

I got all sorts of things for my Avon campaign-- lots of bags to make into goodie bags and lots of catalogues to leave all over town. Thank goddess of makeup (who is XI-SHI, actually) they're free.

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