Thursday, October 22, 2009

the goal-oriented plan

I've been, as you know, trying to lose weight and get my life on track. I managed to off about five pounds, which puts me back where I was before I gained it all back again last month, but this life isn't helping-- working at a sweets shop? Really? Has the universe met me? It's making it very hard. And the on-track part-- paying school loans is rough, and working enough to be able to leaves me with little time to write.

I'm the sort that knows where I want to go, but has no concept of the steps in between and I suck at doing things without a defined endpoint and deadline. So I'm setting up the sorts of focuses a pregnant woman might have to get her through the labor pains: a picture, a mantra, an idea to focus on. In true fangirl fashion, I'm going to make myself worthy of David Tennant*.

First things first: I'm pretty sure I outweigh him, despite the fact that he's a foot and a half taller than me, and this cannot be allowed. I haven't managed to get running shoes yet, but I've found a kick-ass yoga studio and I have my rollerskates, and I'm going to work on getting my ass in gear. Again. Because I suck at follow-through**.

Once I'm reasonably thin, and along the way, I'll figure out what to do with my hair (I've already learned how to do flattering make up, and let me tell you, that was something of a revelation).

Meanwhile meanwhile, I'll be working on diversifying my writing: Sure, he's famous now for SciFi, but he started out doing plays, and he's a fan of the drama-acting, so if I'm to gain enough notoriety to be worthy of the funding that will allow the casting of such a well-known actor so I can meet him, I'll have to work on other genres and other medias. I was meaning to start writing and selling scripts anyway, so now there's a goal.

I realize that the chances of getting to actually meet him are slim, and the chances of hitting it off and staying friends, let alone marrying or something, are extremely slim, especially since I don't do well with people I'm in awe of***, but if the opportunity presents itself, I want to be ready. And this is sort of the world I want to work and live in anyway, so there's no reason I can't work toward it regardless.

*... or, at least, the person I perceive when I see interviews with him. Until I actually meet him, it's a moot point.
** Another of the things I'm working on improving. Because, regardless of who or what my focus and goals are, I've known since at least high school that I'm not the person I want to be, and I've learned ways to bend myself to my own will and get closer-- it's like I'm two people, one lazy and kind of melancholy, and the other driven, but scattered. I just need to learn to get these two working together so I don't have to work so hard at it. Self-improvement the Sami way.
*** I'm getting better!

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