Thursday, January 14, 2010

day to day: 1-14-2010

Most of the time, I sort of assume that I'm just getting by, that I'm not horrendous, but I'm not really good looking. It's not fishing for compliments to say so (but people tend to think it is and that's why i don't mention it much), it's just how I see myself in the framework of the world and all the beautiful people in it. I don't like the shape of my mouth, or how it looks when I talk or smile, I don't think i'm all that photogenic, and generally my hair is something of a plague theme at best.

But today-- today I think I'm looking pretty cute. I managed to lose ten pounds while I was sick, and I've kept them off as I've gotten better, I started a round of leg exercises yesterday, I only coughed a little right when I woke up, I picked up a job reviewing books (and some of the reviews will even pay!), the lack of humidity has kept my hair smooth and flat, I managed to get a whole shift in today (and, believe me, that's an accomplishment with how slow it's been at work lately), and my waist is down an inch and a half. I'm feeling pretty (tentatively) awesome, and I wanted to share.
Both shirts are from Target. The cleavage is mine, and look! I almost have a collarbone again! I'm not wearing any jewelry today because I was running late for work and didn't have time to decide on any. Today's makeup is my brand new Flip for It compact in LA, the equally brand new Regenerist Eye Kit which Avon sent me for demo (it's a wrinkle-correcting eye cream and a light-deflecting highlighter, and it's not for sale yet), Ideal Shade in Translucent powder foundation, and mark Dew Drench lipstick in Ruby Glaze. Yeah, I totally only have Avon makeup on most days, since I only owned, like, three pieces of makeup before I started selling (::ahem and buying ahem::) Avon. The only things in my hair are a little smoothing spray from, like, three days ago when I straightened my bangs, a rubberband, and a clip for the weird side of my bangs that I'm getting pretty good at denying.

1 comment:

I'm working on selecting one. said...

Yay Sami! Hooray for good days. I like that thing your bangs are doing in that picture too.


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