Thursday, March 4, 2010

i can't make it to icfa...

... because of my recent family trauma that made me miss a week of work, which made me have to use just enough of my savings that I just can't afford it anymore.

So if you're going, my dear friends, I'd like to ask a favor. First, print up this accurate and detailed portrait of me:

Then, take the picture with you. While you're at my favorite place in the world, be sure to start the day with more than one cup of tea, have two or so vodka and crans for lunch, pay too much for at least one ethnic dinner, stay up too late and wake up too early in the morning, say at least one thing you regret for the rest of the conference, and, most important, take pictures of yourselves and our friends holding this silly picture and send them to me. That way, it's almost like I'm there, too.


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