Sunday, July 25, 2010

shonagonisms: facts about me

I have very small wrists and feet. Even when I gained 30 lbs after college, my wrist is only about 5.5 inches around, and at best I wear about a size five shoe. Two in Converse and three in Doc Martins.

I've only had short hair three times in my life, and one of them was before my hair grew in the first time.

My favorite parts of myself are my left eyebrow and my tattoos; my favorite parts of other people are usually little patches of the softest skin they have.

I think I could survive the collapse of society.

I think I would make a stellar Companion for the Doctor.

My favorite time of the day is that moment right after you realize you're awake, but you're still totally relaxed, and the sun is coming through the windows, and your bed is soft, and everything is still fresh and good.

I pretty much only know how to cook enough for five or more people; when I cook for myself, there's always leftovers for days.

I believe cats are agents of Chaos in a totally sweet and muzzy sort of way.

The best way to get me to read a book is to give it a nice cover, and there's a bonus if it contains things I like to read about.

At some point or another, I have a crush on every friend that becomes a close friend; it's part of the bonding process.

I've seen Rocky Horror live four times in four different places.

I have very specific tastes in boys, and never seem to date anyone who falls in that category.

I'm a romantic... but I tend to not like all the things we're told to do for valentines: I like my roses to be alive and in my garden, I like my chocolate to be in things other than heart-shaped boxes, I don't care much for diamonds and really don't like those things the jewelry stores push like the journey diamonds and that weird heart thing from Jane Seymour.

I tend to believe that people who like things that I like can't be all bad.

I try really hard not to be a screaming liberal, but I am pretty much there, most of the time. I just keep it to myself.

I'm convinced there are few things better than a really good book that changes your life.

I don't know how to take short showers.

You'll know when I've been cleaning because I'll be wearing all the random hair things and jewelry and accessories I found along the way.

I love fresh new office supplies to an unseemly degree.

Puns amuse me more than long jokes, especially if they have something to do with the subjects I love most: language, grammar, cats, pirates, tea, scifi, fantasy, books, cats, etc.

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