Monday, August 23, 2010

i'm BACK in the saddle AGAINNNNN

Heh. AC/DC.

Last week was kind of a life-plan fail, but it was better than the week before, so I'm taking that to mean that I can get back on track properly this week. I managed to wake up before noon and got my daily writing in, so I think I'm already off to a good start. I didn't get my articles done this morning, though, so maybe I'll have to do that tonight, after my second crit.

I've also fallen behind on organizing my weekly paperwork. And the printer's down, so that hasn't been happening, though I have been hand-drawing daily dockets and stuff, which are much more flexible than something like an hourly schedule.

I've been looking at places to find writing jobs. So far, no real luck on one I can do from home without previous publishing experience, but I'll keep looking. The dayjob is sort of killing me. I'm not exactly in a hurry, but when H gets back from China, he'll be looking for work as a translator, and I'd like to be able to have a new in-the-field-i-paid-so-much-for job, too, around that time. I'm about half way through my five-years-to-a-new-life plan, and I want to get moving. School was a big step. A good editing or writing job will be another... although, if I have to move to New York or Chicago to find one, it'll have to wait another year or so for H to finish his degree-- and then we might be moving somewhere else anyway.

The house is a mess, since there's been so much moving in and out lately. I haven't been able to set up a work station, and there are once again boxes everywhere. ::sigh:: I feel like we're never going to get past this part of our lives. If I have to be a permanent Gypsy, I want to at least get to live in a caravan! Since I see no vardo for me in the front yard, I'm working under the assumption I get to settle down.*

I feel less cagey about the idea of a boy. I don't know why I got so scared about the whole situation, or why I still am, but the idea is more comfortable now. I'm seeing him again tomorrow.

Personal anxiety has been better. I dosed myself with all the herbs and vitamins I had on hand, and I'm planning an order to the herbshop I like online, so I can make the anti-freak-out tea in bulk. I'm low on various other herbs anyway.

I want to get back to crafting, which means I need to make more time in the day, which means I need to figure out why I'm sleeping so much and fix that-- I usually sleep about six or seven hours a night; lately I've been sleeping ten or eleven, and it's eating up the little bits of free time I have in the mornings.

But I'm getting back on track. And I'm still under 145bs.

*If not a vardo, then one of those Golden Age of Trains luxury cars. I wonder if they can be retrofitted to work on roads? Or if a bus of some sort could be designed to look like on inside?

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