Sunday, September 5, 2010

relationships and issues

I've recently been navigating the daunting minefield of my own relationship issues, and aside from coming to the conclusion that no one can ever be exactly what I want, and will therefore annoy me more than anything should be able to, I've also come to the conclusion that probably I'll never have what I want, and therefore I want someone I can care about but who will leave me alone when I need it.

Maybe I'm just feeling pessimistic because I woke up to an overcast day, or maybe it's hormones or stress talking, but... yeah. Not so much with the happy today.

And I've found the following links today that have all turned up on my various f'lists of their own accord:

How to Make a Woman Happy (this is my favorite of the quotes):
"If your woman has had a hard day at the office, run her a hot bath and hand her a glass of chilled wine whilst you put the kids to bed and prepare dinner. Don’t ruin it by expecting sexual favors in return. In a recent survey, when women were asked what would make them happy, one of the most common answers was to be kissed without being groped!"

Ten Things Every Man Should Know About A Woman's Brain:
"She is easily turned off
"A women's sex drive is much more easily upset than a guy's," Brizendine said.
For women to get in the mood, and especially to have an orgasm, certain areas of her brain have to shut off. And any number of things can turn them back on."
"For guys, foreplay is everything that happens three minutes before insertion. For women, it is everything that happens 24 hours beforehand,"
"The female brain is not only more responsive to small amounts of stress but is less able to habituate to high levels of stress, said Debra Bangasser of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, describing her recent research"
"She hates conflict (but lack of response even more)"
"She changes every day based on her cycle
Affecting up to 80 percent of women, PMS is a familiar scapegoat. But women are affected by their cycles every day of the month. Hormone levels are constantly changing in a woman's brain and body, changing her outlook, energy and sensitivity along with them."

How to Make a Woman Happy:
"SECURITY. Beyond the basic needs of food, water, etc., security is one of the most important requirements for a woman to be happy. Security of health, employment, family, and partner."

"women need peace. They are happiest when they can be in the same room with their partner and have a peaceful feeling."

"PERSONAL SPACE. Women need personal space too! They need to breathe, to think, to plan, to grow. Be secure in your relationship with your partner, and give her space of her own."

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