Tuesday, November 23, 2010

silly texting

Jesse: Hope you do well, oh luscious one.
Me: Hee!
Jesse: *How goes your day?
Me: Work is all school groups today, but not bad. Except kids don't tip.
Jesse: *Curses, no tips! But at least you're taller than them?
Me: About half the time!
Jesse: *Well, that evens your odds if you have to take them out.
Me: I know! And then I can kick them out!
Jesse: *I think perhaps you need a weapon, like a bat.
Me: A big bat! With lazers!
Jesse: And LEDs! And a plasma torch!
Me: And a flamethrower, and pretty ribbon streamers!
Jesse: Well, with all that, we had better get a robot to wield it.
Me: And a dinosaur to carry him!
Jesse: And a jet pack!
Me: In a spaceship!
Jesse: A spaceship with a mothership!
Me: A spaceship with a mothership and a squadron of fighters!
Jesse: A whole fleet of supercarriers!
Me: And a deathstar!
Jesse: And a Narn planet-killer!
Me: And a star-eater!
Jesse: You know, I'm thinking that all of this won't fit in your shop.
Me: Well, we need to reorganize the place anyway...
Jesse:Reorganize it with lazers!
Me: And a flamethrower!
Jesse: Heh, would that do it?
Me: If it doesn't, it's not much of a flamethrower.

*Reconstructed from my foggy memory because I was a doof and cleared my texts before copying half of these.

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