Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday Worksheets: Submissions Tracker, Shopping List and Gratitude Journal

This is part of a series of worksheets to help you organize your life! Click the tag for more!

This week we have:

  • Submissions Tracker: This can be used for stories, novels, articles, or, really, anything else that needs to be submitted, because it's a very straight-forward sheet. There's space for the date, the item being submitted, who it was sent to, and how long they take to read it, as well as to note a pay rate and whether or not it was accepted. You can use a sheet for multiple projects going out at a time, or you can use a whole sheet for multiple subs of one project.
  • Shopping List: A nice itemized and totally open shopping list divided by Staples, Fruits and Veggies, Meats, Dairy, Proteins, Canned and Dry goods, Starches, and Household goods.
  • Gratitude Journal: Some people note their gratitudes daily, others just when they need to remember something, but this sheet will help with both. There's several cells per sheet, with space for the date and for three things you're feeling grateful for. 
If there are any worksheets you would like to see, drop me a line or a comment, and I'll see what I can do!

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