Saturday, February 13, 2010

100th post!

Look at me talking about myself for a hundred posts! And look at all of you being so sweet as to let me! Because in this ever-unfinished work in progress that is who I am and where I'm going, this little blog is a vital piece of figuring out how to get there, and it's lovely that I have it and everyone helps me plot the course. I hope I'm helping you guys even a little as much as you're helping me.

It's been a rough February, hasn't it? All this crazy weather (which, of course, has nothing to do with climate change, because, as the crazies keep telling us from where they've hidden their heads in the sand, there's no such thing), and then all the family concerns. I won't say it isn't hard. It's the hardest February I can remember, because usually this time of year is just weeks of rain and tea and sleeping.

But March starts spring, and spring is all about new beginnings. Again. I have Projects in the pipeline. I have a month and a half until I can apply for Financial Aid and get myself back to the Ivory Tower (and then about two years before I go back again and get myself a Library Science / Archiving degree and never have to leave said Ivory Tower again). Sunday I have an interview to work at a B&B. Tonight, I have time to catch up on my posting, and maybe to read and write some. Yesterday, we started the countdown to Mardi Gras with Jambalaya and Beignets.

I've given myself five years to get out of this hole, and I'm going for it.

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