Sunday, September 25, 2011

one of the ways I'm trying to slim down is with my hula hoop

I like doing it, and over on (which has the worst name ever, really), there's a challenge going on for the next month where we're going to try to hoop for 20 minutes each day. I just did my first twenty minutes, and it wasn't that bad. Longer than I thought 20 would be, but not debilitating. I watched the tail end of Human Planet while I did so I wouldn't count it and make it longer.

This is the first exercise I've done since my back was hurt. Hooping is pretty low-impact, so my back is fine. Maybe even better, since the weight of the hoop sort of massages it. My knees, and the back of my thigh where that nerve is twinging all the time don't like it much, but they're doing fine, too.

Overall, a good go, I think.

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