Monday, June 29, 2009

linky links: green edition wk26

Make your own Deoderant: All natural! No aluminum! They say that the link between Alzheimer's and aluminum is not proven, but they also admit that Alz patients do have alot of aluminum in their brains, and I know that lymphnodes are the sorts of places where things can sink into your body, so as soon as I'm out of what I have, I'm all over this recipe.

Solid Perfume: I love the idea that I could smell like anything I wanted. I think I'm going to search out a really good rose-scent and dose myself in rosegarden florals. And then I'll find weird things to try out.

Control fleas naturally: Not as easy as bombing the place, but less likely to destroy your whole family.

The Garbage Enzyme from before.

BPAL has some new Gaiman scents: I love Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs. They're all natural, stunningly scented, only moderately expensive, and they feed directly into the Steampunk and Victoriana parts of my personality. Plus, they make special edition scents every time Neil Gaiman published a new book. I'd be so honored if they did that for my books.

More on the oceans in generating the EMF for the planet: I collect natural disasters, but this one could get really scary.

A fairly easy way to make your own rainbarrel: This is on my list of things to do. Florida gets so much rain and has such an abused watertable. There's no reason why I can't gather the rain to water my plants... as soon as I can get such a big barrel.

A quick little discussion of edible landscaping: I am all for this idea. Always have been. Plants are alot of trouble, and if I can't eat them afterward, why am I bothering? Plus, there's so many former food plants that are used in landscaping anyway-- and so many food plants that aren't available anywhere if you don't grow them yourself.

Ancient People fished sustainably: Okay, if people with only the most basic understanding of science could get this idea, why can't we? Really, man.

Yay linkies!

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