Thursday, July 16, 2009

Alternatives alternatives alternatives

I was channel surfing the other day, and I got distracted by part of Whale Wars. Here's these very young and idealistic looking Greenpeace and the like people trying to stop ships from harvesting whales. Which is probably a good idea, what with them getting scarce-- but these kids aren't offering any sort of alternative to these people. As long as the demand is up and the pay is good, they're going to hunt whales, and that's really all there is to it. I mean, it's happening with rhinos and pangolins, too right now: big money always trumps environmentalism, and as long as the hunters don't have anything else that pays as well, they're going to keep doing it. So why isn't there are show about that? About building an alternative that makes the hunting look bad? Why isn't there a show about environmental groups that go out and teach people other ways to feed their families, other sources of the sorts of products they get from these endangered animals that are endangered in part because of unsustainable harvesting, dangerous folk medicine beliefs, and a taste for the exotic? I think it would be more interesting to see real change happening, not just hippies getting hosed down and whaling ships getting accosted and this so-called war that can't really ever change things. It could maybe hold things up, but that'll just make the ships go somewhere else, hunt some other whale population. It isn't stopping the source of the problem, or even really acknowleging that there is one. The hunters are just doing what they know will make money; I doubt many of them are pathologically opposed to whales. I doubt there's that many Ahabs out there, willing to kill them all to get payback on one of them. Mostly, it's just fishermen who know that this'll pay the bills and feed the family and offers the least amount of work for the most amount of income. So why not find them another source of income that is sustainable, responsible, useful and better advised?

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