Wednesday, May 4, 2011

midweek gripe session

I feel like I'm doing everything wrong. Scheduling, sticking to the schedule, keeping up with stuff, communicating with people. I keep forgetting things that need doing, and winding up doing them crappily at the last minute. I keep saying I'll do things I don't really have time for, and then being way late. My stupid computer lags more and more no matter waht I do. I can't get my external HDD to register. I don't have time to exercise, and when I do, my knee hurts. I have this stupid mole making me paranoid and enough flea bites that I am far too aware of every single thing that bothers me about my skin. I'm forever behind on everything. I just want to quit it all and crawl into a hole and never come out.

But I'm too damn stubborn to be a quitter, especially when I've put this damn much effort into school and stuff.

But I still hate being late on assignments. And I still am so freaking tired of arguing genre and critiquing things that don't really need my input. And I'm so tired of being awake so damn much. I want to sleep more, and not have to start working as soon as I wake up. I want to not have to worry about money. I want to get on with my life already.

It's too late. I'm going to  bed.

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