Thursday, June 25, 2015

Getting up again

I feel like I'm always falling over. You know when baby birds are learning to fly and they sort of almost do it and then spend like ten minutes on the dangerous ground getting themselves back in order? That's me.

Life went sideways from under me again, and I took maybe a month (maybe two) getting my bearings again, and now I'm looking at the sky and wondering if I can get back up there. And, as usual, I do it in stages.

I never quite shut down my nail polish shop, but I stopped worrying about promo and I stopped adding new stuff--so I'm back to making the next round of new colors.

I got really scattered and ridiculous in my writing habits, so now I'm easing back into writing this week (I already finished one thing), before I dive face-first into the madness that is Camp NaNoWriMo next month. I've never finished the July version before, but at the very least it should kick me in the butt and get me moving on a new project, and, if I'm lucky, get my brain back in that word-groove where I can write and edit at once!

And to clear out my brain and get back to being creative, I'm going to try to make a journal-page-a-day thing based on Journaling Junkie's daily challenges, as soon as she puts up the next list! I'll post pics on that on my IG, probably, and I'll probably to periodic updates here, too, because this poor blog has been ignored too long!

How do you get back up when life knocks you over?

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