Sunday, May 10, 2009

neat things from slowfood usa

Fourth Graders Protest School Lunches! Go fourth-graders! You're, what? Nine? That's just amazing, and I fully agree that the system won't change until people stop accepting it. Too bad your parents and school system were such stiflers.

Sustainable Chocolate! Mainstream, big name chocolate no less! I feel bad that I can't give it up / am not willing to give it up, and am therefore part of the problem; but this gives me hope! A life were I don't have to give up chocolate OR destroy the world! And being a mainstream company means maybe it won't be 3$ a bar or more for the stuff!

The USDA is turning over part of it's land for a People's Garden. Call me a populist or a communist or a socialist or whatever, but when something is dedicated to the People, I really like it. The People need to be shown that there are alternatives to the way things have been while this group of the People have grown up (it's not 'how it's always been'-- this food-chain crap has only become this bad in the last generation or so, but no one knows that.). The full article here. And the official plans are here.

Who'd'a thunk Detroit could be so green? "Detroit is currently home to 300 plus community farms and over 20 school gardens, and if John R. Hantz’s vision becomes real, Detroit could be home to the world’s largest urban farm—about the size of San Francisco.  According to Hantz’s press release Phase 1 would redevelopment about 70 Acres of vacant lots, and abandoned property on Detroit’s lower east side."

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