Friday, January 1, 2010

2009, the year in review

What a crap year. For every advance, there was always something bad to knock it back down. It's like a Star Trek movie: all the odd-numbered ones suck.

- I did not find love
- I was unemployed for my birthday
- I'm back at minimum wage, and had to get a second job to even hope to make up for it
- I ate seasonally for most of a year until I became so poor that I couldn't even afford the farmer's market, and fresh food has been right off the menu for ages
-Related: I extended my year of eating seasonally so I can fill out the Lists and complete my research before I start shopping the book
- I did not get published, because I did not send anything out
- I got accepted to grad school! I had to push it back, and paying off school loans has made me even poorer than before, but they were kind enough to let me keep my spot. I interpret this to mean they really liked my story-fragment.
- I only got a bad cold once, and that was right at the end of the year.
- We got a new cat and a new dog.
- I started writing articles for Examiner, and made enough money to pay for the Food and Wine festival this year.
- Death is far too common, and I'm tired of people dying around me.
- I took up hooping, and have been moderately successful at keeping it consistent. Have plans to get / make pro-weight ones that will help me work out better.
- My bike was stolen, and I'm on foot again.
- I got my contributer's copy of Fiction International, and my book review was published ahead of schedule, but I didn't get any more commissions from them.
- I started this blog!
- I managed a little more than half of a novel during NaNoWriMo
- I started organizing my brain and my schedule so I can get stuff done.
- I did not travel anywhere; I almost didn't make it to ICFA, let alone anywhere else.
- I saw several movies I really liked, and in the theatre, too!
- I kept a garden alive all summer, but hardly got any food from it, though I did get lots of lovely roses that went into a jar with black tea.
- My ovaries shut down.
- I started reading 100 books in a year, starting on my birthday, and made it to twenty before the end of the year.
- I learned how to make my own limoncello and related liquors.

So here's to 2010 being infinitely better!

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