Friday, October 2, 2009

i've lost track of my life again

It happens periodically. Something just-- slips-- and then I suddenly don't seem to have enough time to do all the things I usually do, like update the blogs and craft things to sell on Etsy and bake for the house and write. You know, the things I actually want to do in my life. I don't know what it is that makes the change; I'll just be puttering along with my day-to-day, and then realize that I've been sleeping an hour later each day, and I've been getting less done before work, and I've been neglecting smaller things like getting the laundry done and typing up those things I had to type and calling those people I had to call...

It's happened again this last week or so. I haven't watched hardly any shows this week, so there's nothing to update for the TV blogs. I haven't finished the scarf I'm making to replace the one that sold, so there's nothing to post on Etsy. I haven't called my mom yet. I haven't finished cleaning my room or putting away the last load of laundry or getting the current one together. I haven't done my weekly Bike upkeep (though I did refill the tires), so the wheels are getting wobbly again, and it's making horrible scraping noises. I haven't cleaned out the dead tomatoes and peppers to get the yard ready for the fall planting that's already late. I've been making the seasonality lists later and later each week. I haven't read anything but one and a half National Geographics, so there's nothing to post in the Book Blog. If it weren't for C, I would have forgotten to order Avon this week-- or to pay them for last week. I haven't finished the dance videos so I can stop looking up routines on You Tube and have a more reliable access to new ideas. Today is the first day I've washed my face in more than a week. I can't remember if I've posted enough articles this week. I never got around to writing any for Texbroker at all.

I'm a mess.

And I don't know why. I just... lose it. I'll have everything down real good, everything smooth and situated, and then one day, it's just not. Part of it is my ongoing computer issues; the poor baby has a memory leak and not enough RAM and needs a new external harddive, and so on. But that's only part of it.

I think I'm going to see about reorganizing my MegaPlanner to see if that helps; a few more days, and I'll need to be printing up the next week's pages and such. And here, to torture myself, is a list of things I need to do:

- call about that second job and see if it's still available
- write more articles so I can make more money and not be so poor
- restart the comic idea and actually get it off the ground now
- figure out if I'm going to write a paper for this year's ICFA and get the proposal in if I am
- find out about the Buffy Con, when it's deadline is, and whether I can make a decent proposal out of the vague idea I have
- start saving for a computer upgrade
- see if I can find a cheap way to invest in a moderately safe environment and make a little income off it
- finish cleaning my room and take the leftovers to Betty
- contact those people about my school loans again
- catch up on all the shows and post synopses
- contact people about reading my stuff on a weekly basis so I have an external need to actually write stuff down
- figure out what I'm going to be for Halloween and get started on the costume soon

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