Saturday, October 31, 2009

letters to the aether

Dear Semi-Anonymous Weenie,

It's not your job to patrol the internets. I think you have a skewed idea of what this is: We pass on information when we find it and in our free time; this means that sometimes things will get phrased poorly and / or one letter will be switched for another. Deal with it. Because if you want to be taken seriously, this is not the way. And I'm going to keep deleting your comments until you learn that being critical does not mean being a dick, and a civil human being with real concerns is more likely to get responses. Other things you need to learn: this is not a personal attack against you, so shut up with the personal attacks against me; I get paid by you clicking on my page, so if you don't like what I have to say and don't think I should have a job, you can very well bugger the fuck off and leave me in peace; information travels at different speeds for different people, so if you think you can do better, you're more than welcome to start your own page and then you can worry about whether a date was announced already.

No love at all (and alot of pity that your life is so empty that this is what you do with it)

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