Wednesday, October 14, 2009

letters to the aether

Dear Body,

I know it's been years since we had an official yoga class, and I know that it's not often that we intentionally contort ourselves like that, but come on. Where did all our balance go? Where did all our stamina go? When did our thighs get so fat that we can't bend easily over them, and when did our boobs get so big that we can't do any of the chin-to-chest poses without smothering ourselves in them? And when did our butt get so huge and heavy that even attempting and failing a shoulder-stand is exhausting?

This cannot be allowed to last. Tips better be good so I can afford at least one class a week, or we're never going to get back in shape. Because the threat of diabetes and the already-present hormonal imbalances are made worse by all this fat, and now they're saying that people who don't exercise have higher chances of breast cancer, and I've got too much breast tissue to be messing with that.

But on the other hand, there were only a few poses that we totally gave up on, and I'm proud of us for that. We're not as flexible as we once were, and Kate is much rougher on us than Lupinetti was, but even getting near to the Warrior poses was pretty awesome, and even when drenched and dripping with sweat, Downward Facing Dog is still pretty great. And during Om-ing, we all came into tune with each other and rang those walls like a bell, and during cool-down meditation, I started feeling my way back into the old balancing pathways, and that was a welcome skill to find I still had. Thank you, body, for that one.


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