Saturday, November 14, 2009

appropriate weight and other matters

I just spent half an hour looking up appropriate weight-to-height ratios, and aside from one really scary chart that said I shouldn't be over 99 lbs for my height (?!?), they all sort of agreed that I should be around 120ish for the middle-range height (max, somewhere around 130, min somewhere around 100, though it seems unfair that my min is further from my average than my max).

Now, I'm currently at 159, as of this morning. I know this is too much, but I don't feel like I'm well into obese as far as these charts are concerned-- I mean, I don't look like those women that come in and order triple-scoop icecreams, have three chins and huge elbow-fat, and look like they're smuggling pillows under their shirts. I'm also not as mean as them, but that's a different story. And I know from experience that at 100, I'm bony and boobless. 120 should be about where I was when I started college, though I carry my weight in all new and different places now, and I think I wouldn't feel too skinny there, but that's alot of weight to lose to get there, and-- well, here's a confession:

In highschool, I was anorexic. I spent more than a year eating once or less a day, and at my lowest, I was under 89 lbs. At the same height I am now. I didn't realize at the time that I was anorexic because I didn't have the mental problems or the exercise addiction that went along with it, but I did (and do) have a stomach-valve malfunction that makes it hard to eat sometimes. In high school, it made it better to just not be hungry, so I stopped eating. But now, I know my triggers, and I know that when I cut my intake too much, I start obsessing, and I develop the OCD I didn't have then. And it would be so easy to just stop eating again. After a few days, I'm just not hungry any more.

But I don't want to starve myself, so I have to be careful to keep this reasonable.

And I still hate exercise.

I'm working on only eating when I can sit down and have a proper meal. I'm drinking more tea again, both because I love tea and miss it and because it speeds my metabolism without getting me so wired that I can't function (although I have to be careful about drinking it too late, it seems). I have a hoolahoop that I really like, and there are apparently hoola-hoop-exercise videos on YouTube, and maybe I'll take up poi or something, too. Things that take effort but are about the opposite if boring. When it stays cool, I'm going to try to walk more and maybe start running some, when I can afford to buy a pair of shoes that aren't flip flops. I'm working more, and that means I'm lazing less, and that's already good. And I'm going to start enforcing weekly weigh-ins so I know where I am and have to face it when I eat poorly.

And that's where the Plan is right now.

And in other matters:
I think we're getting a pitbull puppy. I'm not ready to pottytrain a baby dog, but I think as long as we're nice to it, it should grow up nice, right? Just because they're bred as fighting dogs doesn't mean all of them will clamp on and have to be killed to get them to release, right?

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