Friday, January 1, 2010

another clean start

I hate making resolutions because they never work. H says it's because I'm not believing in them, but I think it's because a resolution is a monolithic thing, and the idea is to list everything that's wrong with your life, and when I've done that, I've overwhelmed myself with giant walls that can't be altered.

But I do like making lists, and I'm champing at the bit to get something decent out of this year. Here are things I'd like to accomplish:

-- I want to write other things, so I've started work on a screenplay. By started work, I mean I've got the software and a page or so of basic brainstorming, and I'm trying to remember that one class six years ago that told me how to structure a movie. In a bit, I'll learn how to sell it without having to move to Hollywood (although, if it came to that, I'd be one step closer to My Future Husband, who moved there recently. He is a goal in and of himself.).

-- I want to find a better job. Preferably one involving writing and much better pay. Much better. My rate of raises hasn't kept up with the increase in minimum wage and the inflation of cost-of-living expenses, and I'm making base pay and barely surviving, and I'm sick of it. i'm so sick of it, I've considered hooking or getting a webcam or something, because it can't be that much worse, can it? (Considered being the operative word here. I'm not that desperate yet.)

-- I want multiple respectable streams of income, because having my whole life hanging on one thing is ridiculous. Seriously. Preposterous. One person flips out and decides I'm expendable, and I have no income.

-- I'm going to get back to eating better again. I'm still eating seasonally / refreshing the compulsion to do so, and I need to get back to the market and get back to eating fresh, real food. I had a salad the other day, and it was the best thing I've eaten in weeks-- which is sad, because it was just a chain restaurant ceasar, and it shouldn't have tasted so awesome.

-- I'm tired of being fat. This is reaching critical mass. I'm having dreams about being thin and then suddenly being too fat for my clothes and vice versa, and it's horrible.

-- I'm going back to school. This is already a reality. And while there, I'm going to suck all the marrow of opportunity I can out of that bitch. I got the test writing job a few years ago by doing that, and I can do it again.

This year, I'm done with the casting around and being stupid of the twenties. I'm ready to get on with my life already.


Chelle said...

make a list of things you like about yourself not about the things you don't like...

do a reverse resolution...i promise that these things i will keep...

Samantha Holloway said...

Usually I do focus on the positive-- it's just that on that day, I was in a funk and all I saw was the negative.

I'm working on replacing the 'losing weight' and 'losing inches' part of slimming down with 'gaining sexy'.



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