Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to talk to complete idiots / Three basic options. Choose wisely, lest you go totally insane

How to talk to complete idiots / Three basic options. Choose wisely, lest you go totally insane:
"it's also true that calling people stupid is no way to advance the debate, and is itself rather childish and stupid. And you'd be absolutely right.

But you'd also be missing the point. When you ignore the idiots completely, you are not calling them anything at all. You are not trying to advance any sort of argument, because there is no debate taking place. You are simply bypassing the giant pothole of ignorance entirely.

You are not kowtowing to the least educated of your voting bloc, like the GOP is so desparetely fond of doing. You are not trying to give the idiotosphere equal weight in the discussion. As Schaeffer says, 'You cannot reorganize village life to suit the village idiot.' By employing option three, you are doing the only humane thing left to do: you are letting the idiotosphere eat itself alive.

Do it for the children, won't you?"

This is brilliant. And excellent advice that I think I'm going to implement in my own life.

... as much as I can, anyway. How sweet it would be to be able to skip the people in line who have no concept of reality, though. To focus on the nice people who understand that there are limits to what we can do, who tip well and give us poor hungry underlings their leftovers (this actually happened yesterday) and enjoy their icecream and thank us for helping them and don't demand ridiculous things...

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