Tuesday, May 25, 2010

shonagonisms: topics that matter to me

Human rights / Gay rights / Equal rights -- Everyone should have the same rights
Environmentalism and Greening your life
Space exploration to save ourselves and keep moving forward
Education -- the more that's mandatory and diversified, the better
Non-coporate-ness / Small business / Handmade and Local
Food Supply and control
Archaeological Conservation Protection and Preservation
Religious tolerance and middle-of-the-roading as a defense against fundamentalism from all sides
Social reform -- the kind that verges on socialism because I think our governing bodies should take care of us
Tattoos as art and the acceptance there of
Scotland and Scots
Support of redheads and perpetration of the gene
Gardening for food and beauty
Geekery as a valid academic practice and subject, and even a way of life
Diversification of knowledge / Interdisciplinary studies and such
Seeking balance in all things
Travel as a way to save the world
Clean energy and the pointed need to turn over to it
The preservation of old ways by learning and teaching them
The need to understand history and prehistory so we can keep moving forward
The obligation for better developed places to help those that aren't-- and the right of those that aren't to take the offer on their own terms
The creative solving of problems-- and finding better ways to re-solve old ones
Progress as the embrace of technology that improves lives
The slowing of life so that we can appreciate it and incorporate more of the good things into it
Food of the best sort

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