Tuesday, September 14, 2010

fat girl goes slim: i joined a gym

World Gym is having a tenth anniversary thing where they're only charging 10$ a month, and that's a steal. There's one not far from here, so J and I joined up.

We've been twice-- we're due to go back again, but I'm Girl Timeing, so I might hold off a few more days, or just go and stroll on the treadmill or something.

But already, I feel stronger. My muscles are sore, but not debilitating, and I've already lost another pound. And my hips are an inch smaller than the last time I measured them, but I don't think that's from working out. It was ages ago when I measured them last. It's not nice to see what 43" looks like when you unloop the measuring tape!

According to the Spark People App on my iPad, if I lose a pound a week consistently through the holidays, I can reach my goal weight somewhere around the end of January, which means I'll be almost there when I go to school at the beginning. If I can lose just a little more a week, I'll make it by New Years which would be awesome-- it'll be the first year I DON'T have to resolve to lose weight!

I've been trying to pay more attention to what I'm eating, trying to make better choices. According to the scale in my room, which is the one I can read easier, I hit 140 this week! It's amazing. That's officially half way there, 20llbs less than when I started, back down almost where I was when I graduated college, on my way to where I was when I started college.

So I'm hopeful again.

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