Thursday, April 15, 2010

what i learned today

- I've managed to loose just enough weight that I can fit into the middle-skinny jeans that I found when I was cleaning my room today! None of the corduroys, and none of the dress pants, and none of the real skinny jeans, but the ones in the middle, that I wore to work when I worked at the restaurant before I got a lighter-workload job and gained weight!

- The knock-off nerf dart guns are way way stronger than the name-brand.

- I really can't leave WalMart without buying all sorts of things I never thought I'd need, and yet totally do.

- City of Glass will never ever be in paperback, only because I've been waiting for it for months and I want it to match City of Bone and City of Ashes, and because both Walmart and Target and the publisher all hate me. Also, that's bad sentence structure and I don't care because it's fan-tantrum and it's better than most of it's kind.

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