Sunday, September 13, 2009


I haven't done this in a while, but I like to, so here you go. I mean, it's easy when things are good, but when things are rough, it forces me to look on the bright side, and that's something I need.

Like, always.

1. I'm glad my tooth pain continues to be managable, and I have hope that it'll eventually go away entirely.
2. I'm glad I have a job, even if it is incredibly boring most of the time.
3. I'm glad that when I lost track of things and misplace my timing, there's really no one that suffers but me, because then I can get back on track in a relatively stree-free way
4. I'm glad all our friends are coming back from their vacations soon.
5. I'm glad all our shows are coming back soon, and that there are more than the usual one or two that I actually want to look into this year.

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