Tuesday, September 1, 2009

little changes: pillows!

I've been sleeping on the same pillows for approximately seventy-two years, and I knew they'd gotten packed and lumpy as bags of cement, but it was sort of an abstract thing. Sure, they used to be much softer, but the transformation was so gradual that I didn't really think about it. Meanwhile, I woke up every morning with a headache, a neck ache and usually a jaw ache from grinding my teeth so flippin' hard (or, more acurately, having my teeth ground into a block of coquina while I slept).

And then, a few days ago, we went grocery shopping at Wallyworld and they had a bin in the middle of the isle with two-for-ten-dollars pillows. I'd just gotten paid, and I thought, what the hell? and bought them.

It was the best decision I've made in weeks.

Headache? No more. Neck-ache? Nonexistent. Teeth? Just fine. It's amazing what this one little change can do, and if it weren't for Archie keeping me up all night with the yowling and the scratching, I'd be sleeping better than I have in years. So now we just need to work on the cat...

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