Sunday, September 6, 2009

rules of acquisition: chadwick's end of summer sale

I'd forgotten that I'd signed up for these mailers, and I get on in my inbox and I'm all, "Chadwick's? Who the heck is Chadwick's?" and then I see these fun summer clothes that are all on sale, and I'm sad I didn't check them out sooner. Who knows if they'll be still on sale next time I have free money, but I do need new tank tops (which are the main sort of shirt I wear all year, so they get worn through pretty well), and the rest is shopping history.

I want this sweater like woah:
Thi obi-belt that I could probably make for myself:

This sundress... and this adorable yellow skirt...

See, here's the thing: I want my life to look like the life in these pictures, and catalogs always have this life-- windswept, sunny, brightly colored, nothing fading in the wash, no chores that make you chose to wear something less fun. I image the house I'd live in would have climbing roses around the door and a big garden full of flowers I could pick and put in cut-glass vases (I don't even own a vase now, only budvases and a big water pitcher), and is near a seashore that's white and blue and can be looked at down a hill with a glass of something sweet and alcholic in hand.

It's probably from reading Sears catalogs when I was a kid-- and living overseas where views like that were more possible than anywhere I've lived here.

But if I can't have it yet (and I stress YET because I will have the idea life at some point, even if it's not until retirement), I can dress like I do on my days off, right?

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