Saturday, February 2, 2013

Monthly Me - February 2013

It's cold here! It's supposed to snow tonight, though it probably won't stick again. It's been so long since I lived somewhere with real winters, I don't really know what to do with myself. I mean, I've given in, and I'm wearing a robe! Like an 80s housewife! But a robe is really just a coat you wear inside, right?

Weight: Still too much, but the smoothies are a pretty good way to not over-eat!

Working on: The novel, still, though I'm making better time than I was before. I've got to put a few hours in today because tomorrow I'm going to a GabFest--I mean, to the Superbowl party at my sister's house, where I'll gladly eat food and talk, but I'll only watch the commercials and I'll probably bring a book, just in case.

Currently Reading: Jane Eyre and The Natural History of the Romance Novel for class. Shadowhunters and Downworlders for myself. And my dad brought home The Ice Wheel, a Doctor Who novel, from the library, and I've been poking at that, too.

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