Sunday, December 13, 2009

fat girl goes slim: progress!

This morning, I weighed in at 150! Down ten pounds from the start of this adventure, and one quarter of the way to a healthy weight! I have to figure out how to keep it here, and how to keep going, but I'm going to tentatively say that it's working!

I figured out how to turn in a circle while I hoop today, which was both fun and upping the effort it takes to hoop, and I practiced a few silly arm-things-- pulling the hoop from around my waist, up over my head and back down on the other side. I can't manage it when I'm actually hooping yet, but it's a nice flow and I'll eventually figure out how to get my hand under the moving hoop without knocking it down to the ground.

I get paid this week, and I'm going to stock up on decent real foods as much as I can; I'm tired of the icky feeling that crap food gives me, and Lean Cuisines, even when they're good, never seem to satisfy. I've been re-reading French Women Don't Get Fat, which I first read the last time I was trying to lose weight, and I managed to do pretty well on it before, so I'm going back to mindful eating, never over-eating, never depriving, more movement, fresher food. And I looked up herbs I can make teas out of that will help control cravings-- don't worry; I found the ones that do so by nourishing, not the ones that make me not think of eating. A well-nourished body needs less to eat and therefore craves less.

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