Monday, December 1, 2014

Monthly Me - December 2014

Almost the end of the year! How did that happen? I'm sort of devided about how I feel--on the one hand, I've gotten a lot better with my health and my depression; on the other hand, there's a whole lot of other life-shit that's gotten worse and more in the way of my / our plans. So I guess as a whole, the year is a wash?

I'm back down to 161.8, almost as low as I was before Thanksgiving and several days of not doing a great job of not eating wheat, but I've done real well with not over eating, and with eating strategically--when I know there's a big dinner, eating less during the day, and so on.

I finally kicked that UTI, which is great, and I'm happy I went back to my herbalism to solve the problem. I sort of want to just buy all my herbs ever, but I think investing in seeds would be cheaper AND a better bet. Plus, it's more for the garden, which is always good. I'm determined to have a lush jungle by the end of next year.

We're in the middle of moving, and, as we were hoping to avoid, it's also the start of holiday shopping so everyone is working more AND it's cold AND it's a much more fractured chinch of time because of work and weather. I'm trying to move my stuff in a reasonable way, but I'm worried we'll wind up just throwing stuff wherever and it not being much better than it is now--and now, organization is nonexistent.

I'm planning for next year. December is always full of plans for te coming year, and I'm determined to devote the year to expanding and doing and learning--I'm going to write a story a week and a poem every day, which I've done before, and miss. I'm going to expand the nailpolish shop and reopen the crafting shop--possibly with a slightly new direction, depending. I'm going to memorize poems and soliloquies to see if it makes my memory better. I'm going to make art; Mandy Steward says I can and should! I'm going to figure out a niche and exploit the crap out of it, and integrate my fragments, and set up work space for myself so I can always work. I'm going to start writing letters to random people I admire and seeing if any write back, because why not?

2015 is my 35th year; it's going to be a good one for me if I have to claw it out of the cold bare ground. 

So there.

That's me this month. How're you? Let's keep contact with each other!

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